1. Before reading: Set the purpose for reading, introduce vocabulary, make predictions, talk about the strategies good readers use.
2. During reading: Guide students as they read, provide wait time, give prompts or clues as needed by individual students, such as "Try that again. Does that make sense? Look at how the word begins."
3. After reading: Strengthen comprehension skills and provide praise for strategies used by students during the reading.
I think that each of these steps are smart ones to use. In order to get the students interested you need step one. Asking them questions, like what they think will happen, is a good way to grab their attention. In order to make sure they're understanding during the story asking questions like in step 2 is a good idea. And lastly, step 3 is a good step because all children want to be praised when they are doing something right. It motivates them to want to read and to continue doing what they are doing.

I like this worksheet because it is something that you could possibly do as a class and ask the whole class these questions to see what they are understanding and what they're not. This is a good way to see what else needs to be worked on while reading.
Thoughts to ponder:
1. What are some other steps you could do when teaching guided reading?
2. Do you think this worksheet could be done as a class?
I would probably use the worksheet as an individual activity. Sometimes when you ask questions to the whole class, the same students answer the questions. If it were me, I would have the students complete the worksheet individually, then ask the questions to the whole class.