Before you can begin assessing children's reading you have to make sure that they are reading on the right level. In order to figure out if they are reading on the right level or not you must see if they know 9/10 words on the page or can comprehend for the most part what is going on in the passage. If a student can read 90-95% of the words easily it is considered to be on their reading level.
When assessing a child's reading you must make sure you are approaching each child differently because each child is different and could be reading on a different reading level than the child next to them. It is not a one size fits all approach. The students learn to read from their teachers so understanding and knowing what you are doing is very important.
This link is to a guide you can use to assess your students reading.
Thoughts to Ponder:
1. How can you figure out what level your students need to be reading at?