Monday, October 27, 2014


Comprehension is the action or capability of understanding the meaning of something. It is a complex process that can be explained in many ways. A common definition among teachers is that comprehension is a process in which readers construct meaning by interacting with the text through the combination of prior knowledge and previous experience. This is something that we have talked about before, using previous knowledge to figure out what something means. 

Since every child has a different background and a different way of understanding things teachers must find a way to teach comprehension to all students. In order to do this they teach decoding skills, help build fluency, build and activate background knowledge, teach vocabulary words, motivate students, and engage them in personal responses to text.

I saw this happening in a classroom I was in recently and I think it is a good way to help with comprehension. The students all read the same story in their textbook and then the teacher gave one vocabulary word to each group. After they got their word they were responsible for coming up with their own definition and drawing it out. Once everyone finished they had to present their word and definition to the whole class. This activity gave everyone a chance to try and comprehend what the word they were given meant.

Thoughts to ponder:
1. How will you make sure that ALL of your students are comprehending the readings in your class?
2. What other activities can you think of to help with comprehension?

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